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I was this eager professional, full of ambition. I was growing fast in my career, creating the life I thought I wanted. But my health did not agree. I suddenly fell into a burn-out, which was soon followed by a quarter-life crisis that made me question my whole existence and the purpose of life.
One day, after a year of deep personal growth and soul-searching, in meditation I received a calling, my mission in life. It had no words, but it was as clear as water:
“You will dedicate your life to raise humanity’s consciousness.”
And so began my journey of transformation. A journey to discover the mysteries of body, mind, and soul. This journey has taken me around the world, learning the most effective ways to help people heal, reprogram themselves, thrive, and increase their impact on others.
Fast-forward 10 years, I find myself serving as a guide. Someone who accompanies you, who walks with you side-by-side in your own journey of self-discovery, personal transformation and evolution.